Diablo 2 Lod Maphack

Diablo 2 Lod Maphack Rating: 8,8/10 1619 votes
  • The Best Diablo 2 LoD Hacked characters for Single Player/Open Battle.net. Here are some Diablo 2 save games / Diablo 2 character files / Diablo 2 files for single and open battle.net. How to install a Diablo 2 character.
  • Sep 25, 2019  Diablo II Auto Teleport: Download or Mirror Download - Optimized auto teleport plugin that can be used together with maphack or separately Auto Teleport 1.2a fixes chat bug for those who have it in newer versions.
  • For the newcomers, here, we released 3 months ago a vanilla version of the HD mod found on resurgence and developped by Mir Drualga and Planqi.Not only this enables two new screen resolutions that are better suited for modern computer screen ratios (1344x700 and 1068x600) but it also handles Maphack injection as one launch the client.
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Diablo 2 Lod Maphack

2, Added Dangerous Monster defining feature to enhance protecttion of HC players. Hackmap will make you returning town or exiting game when encountering Dangerous Monsters and your resistance is below threshold. See d2hackmap.cfg. 3, Fixed a probably-crash-game bug when loading/unloading hackmap in diablo process. 2004.03.12 1.10.

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Maphack For Diablo 2 Lod

The Best Diablo 2 LoD Hacked characters for Single Player/Open Battle.net.

Here are some Diablo 2 save games / Diablo 2 character files / Diablo 2 files for single and open battle.net.
Click the link on the character you want to download, click 'save' and save it on your desktop or somewhere where you can find it.
Now find the file called 'save' in the Diablo 2 folder, if you have trouble finding it right click the Diablo 2 icon and click 'open file location'
or if you have windows xp you will have to go into Diablo 2 properties then click 'Find Target'. When you click open file location, you
will see a file called 'save', open the save file. Now go to the character file you downloaded and copy it (ctrl +c). Then after opening the
saves file paste the file (press ctrl + v) into the save folder, now open Diablo 2 and go to 'single player' or 'open battle.net' and your new character will be waiting.
TIP: How the characters below were made:
Best characters: SadisticFreak, Fÿc1eÿc2aÿc5r, KC, FreeStuff_forU, and pyro-armageden, you may download as many characters as many time as you need too. Have fun with these chars picked by hand!
Note: hacked Diablo 2 characters and iron maidens in hell some how do not mix. Melee attack an iron maiden at ur own risk of dying on the spot. Hopfully your pop-up blocker wont get in the way when downloading! if you need to, disable pop-up blocker so u can download.
All characters are softcore expansion.
SelectionFile type iconFile nameDescriptionSizeRevisionTimeUser

(10/10) Lvl 13 Paladin - don't let the level # change your opinion. this character is the best on this site! Would reccomend. Apr 9, 2015, 7:14 PMRichie Con.

(9.5/10) This character has a colored name (hack)! And all kinds of great awesome goodies. It's a great experience! Apr 9, 2015, 7:17 PMRichie Con.

10/10 this has gfg items! enjoy! Apr 9, 2015, 7:26 PMRichie Con.

(9/10) Lvl 97 Barbarian - KC is a character that started out legit back in the year 2000 when the game came out. He has been amped up with some hax. Apr 9, 2015, 7:13 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 sorceress (9.5/10) check out this cool sorceress, hacked of course. Apr 9, 2015, 7:24 PMRichie Con.

gfg lol 6kv. 1 Aug 25, 2008, 7:00 PMRichie Con.
SelectionFile type iconFile nameDescriptionSizeRevisionTimeUser

Charlie download this character. 8kv. 2 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Druid (Score: 7.5/10) The only thing that can make this druid better is teleport, no teleport. 2kv. 2 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Amazon (score 8.5/10) Good items and good replenishing arrows and all you would need for a zon, the zon appears to be legit but isnt which might be good in legit duels. Does not teleport 2kv. 3 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Druid (score 6/10) About as good as a druid can get, the only thing is the druid's only in act1 norm, cant tele, and when you look at his shield the screenfreezes, has limited charges of teleport. 6kv. 6 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 barbarian (score: 10/10) Tons and tons of gg items. has teleport 6kv. 7 Apr 9, 2015, 7:16 PMRichie Con.

This is a lvl 5 sorc (score: 3.5/10) that KICKS BUTT (for its lvl) doesnt have teleport yet. (this is more of a mule than an actual char) 6kv. 10 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Paladin (score: 9.5/10) This char has a super cool name, and tons of items check this char out for sure, has teleport. 8kv. 9 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Necromancer (score: 7.5/10) This is a very awesome necro but more charms would have made it even better, has a limited charge amount of teleport. 7kv. 3 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 97 barbarian (score: 9.5/10) This character creates a big colorful explosion when melee attacking, has teleport. FEATURED ON YOU TUBE!! You tube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veDX8LG_dsA 6kv. 11 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Assassin (score: 7.5/10) Good kills everything just fine, all maxed skills, no teleport. 2kv. 4 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 barbarian (score 7/10) This char is ok, not too bad, no teleport. 5kv. 4 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Sorceress (score: 9.5/10) This char is really good and looks cool too, has teleport. 6kv. 6 Apr 9, 2015, 7:16 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 13 Paladin (score: 10/10)This chars items are too good, so good that if you look at them the screen freezes, so enjoy and dont look at his items, they are too good to look at, no mortal eye shall ever see his amulet or rings! He is the most powerful of all the chars on this page and is a PERFECT low lvl dueler. Featured on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsmOU6XwcGU 6kv. 15 Apr 9, 2015, 7:10 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 99 Amazon (score 7/10) Not Perfect but close the arrows are plain. No teleport. 5kv. 2 Apr 9, 2015, 7:27 PMRichie Con.

Lvl 82 barbarian (score: 7.5/10) Good items and stuff, looks legit when dueling but isnt, for the best hacked barb pick 'FreeStuff_ForU' or 'KC', no teleport on character, tWEEDER. 8kv. 5 Apr 9, 2015, 7:27 PMRichie Con.