Helvetica Neue Lt Font Free

Helvetica Neue Lt Font Free Rating: 7,7/10 317 votes
Active10 months ago

Does anyone know any other fonts similar to Helvetica Neue (free for commercial use)?

I'm working on a big website project where 'Helvetica Neue' is used heavily. I need a font that looks almost the same, is free for personal and commercial use, and looks good even when used with copytext (e.g. fontsize for copytext = 11px, for headlines = 16px).

Download free HelveticaNeue, HelveticaNeue.ttf Regular font for Windows, free 49984 Various fonts to dowwnload. HelveticaNeue Thin.ttf, Helvetica Neu Bold. Helvetica Neue LT Std 45 Light font already viewed 4858 and downloaded 1880 times. Also you can download related fonts for free: Glypha LT Std 45 Light, Gotham Rounded Light, Gotham Light, Goudy Sans Light BT, Helvetica Condensed Light, Helvetica Light and other. Don't forget share helvetica neue lt std 45 light font with you friends!

Also there should be a condensed-font style included (if possible).

18.9k9 gold badges67 silver badges131 bronze badges

11 Answers

I still think that for web, the best free option out there is Liberation Sans. It renders perfectly with @font-face.

But you can get Helvetica Neue for web from Fonts.com for web use for a fair price too. I would probably use font-family:'Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Liberation Sans, Arial, sans-serif'; so those pcs with the font installed can see it, and those who don't have it can see a replacement.

23.7k9 gold badges66 silver badges113 bronze badges

Roboto is a good neo-grotesque sans that can replace Helvetica. Commissioned by Google and released for free. Used as Android's default font.

Google re-designed Roboto in July 2014. The above sample has now been updated.

Version 1.4 of PDF was the basis for versions of the PDF/X family of standards published by ISO in 2003 and for the first version of the ISO standard PDF/A (ISO 19005-1), published in 2005. Production phase: In general, a final-state format for delivery to end users. Need version 1.4 pdf.

More about Roboto's (pre-redesign) similarity to Helvetica here. I wouldn't overstate its similarity, but I would say it's a good free alternative. Since the 2014 redesign, some of its most Helvetica-like aspects have actually been removed.

I also agree with Yisela's recommendation of Liberation Sans, which is also a good font albeit available in fewer weights.

5,7571 gold badge15 silver badges35 bronze badges

Tex-Gyre-Heros is for me the best one.Enjoy it!

Install on Ubuntu:

8,2137 gold badges31 silver badges63 bronze badges

The closest open source licensed font to Helvetica Neue I have found is surprisingly GNU FreeSans. Below is a sample from Inkscape, with FreeSans at the top and Helvetica Neue at the bottom. The glyphs are nearly identical, some are a little closer to original Helvetica. The spacing varies slightly (at least in Inkscape). The biggest difference I can see is FreeSans has ligatures between certain characters, note the 'fl' combination.It is an excellent font and is works well with the GNU font family of FreeSerif and FreeMono.

Brad JohnsonBrad Johnson

For a Helvetica Neue Condensed, you can have a look at the webfont Archivo Narrow:

For the Helvetica Neue Black version, this version of Archivo Black is not bad either:

For the other Helvetica Neue like the standard one, other answers have been posted and they're pretty good.

If you want to only stick to the Google WebFonts, Droid Sans, Open Sans and Roboto are not perfect but could work.

12.7k5 gold badges39 silver badges79 bronze badges

These look similar. I hope they'll work for you.


Ferdi ÇıldızFerdi Çıldız

Everyone's been giving you names of fonts that look similar to Helvetica (some more than others) but depending on what kind of project it is that you're working on you might not need any of those.

Helvetica Neue Lt Condensed Font Free Download

Unless you need something that looks almost exactly like Helvetica, Arial might be an option you should consider. It comes pre-installed in (almost?) every Windows version and also Apple devices. Unfortunately Arial Narrow isn't included in iOS but, since both Helvetica and Helvetica Neue come pre-installed in all Apple devices, you wouldn't have to worry too much about it.

Your font stack could be something like font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; and you'd be covering the most common devices and operating systems (except for Android which I think doesn't come with any of those two font families).

Helvetica Neue Lt Std Font Free

Keep in mind this is far from ideal in most cases but would allow you to avoid licensing costs and reduce the time it takes for your website to load (since it will not be downloading fonts). This will also take some load off you server even though serving fonts isn't such a big deal.

Here's a link to a site with some of the fonts that come pre-installed with different operating systems: http://www.cssfontstack.com. And here's another one to a Wikipedia article about the usage share of the different operating systems: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems.

EDIT: This site is great when you wanna check what font would be used in each browser and operating system: http://fontfamily.io/


Helvetica Neue Lt Light Font Free Download

This may not resemble Helvetica that much, but I did find a font called Montserrat which you can download from FontSquirrel.

Zach Saucier
10.2k6 gold badges49 silver badges91 bronze badges

The closest I've found so far is 'Raleway' on Google Fonts (http://www.google.com/fonts). I usually use the light 300, 200 or 100. Not exact, but as close as I can find at the the moment.


For Uppercase, Oswald seems good option available at Google Fontshttp://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Oswald

Himanshu SainiHimanshu Saini

Helvetica Neue Medium Free Font

I found these two fonts that look like the google logo,if anyone is interested.

Anna SusannaAnna Susanna

Helvetica Neue Lt Condensed Free Font

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